Powerhouses are DREAMERS, ACTION TAKERS and most of all PROFIT PRODUCERS!

Join the #BeingBrokeAintBiblical Movement Today!

“The Beginning Broke Ain’t Biblical” Movement is designed for empower you to live your best financial life.

Deuteronomy 8:18 states ….And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives the POWER to get WEALTH….

There are 3 ways to join the movement #BeingBrokeAintBiblical. movement!

1. Purchase Your #BeingBrokeAintBiblical Shirt!

2. Join our Free Facebook Group

3. Fill out the form below for your complimentary financial consultation


We keep hearing the same stories of financial frustration:

  • 38 Million Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
  • 33% of American don’t pay their bills on time.
  • Only 44% of families have any life insurance and many of them are underinsured!
  • 57% of Americans have less than $1000 in their savings account!

This does not have to be you!



Families face:

  • High debt
  • Little or no emergency funds
  • Unfunded Retirement
  • Lack of Health Insurance
  • No Proper Protect (Life Insurance, Will, ect.)

Change Can Start Today!

We Can Help You

Make Money!

Save Money!

Grow Money!

Protect Money!

Schedule Your FREE Financial Consultation Today!

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